Tabular Alumina

US $ /

Min. Order : 1 unit

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  • Place of Origin:
    China (Mainland)
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Product Details

    Production Process And Characteristics

    Tabular Alumina (TA) is dense, pure sintered alumina that is completely shrunk after being burned at 1900℃ without any additives. TA is composed of large, well-developed hexagonal tablet shaped α-alumina crystal structure (up to 200 µ m). The content of Al₂O₃ is highly up to 99%. (Max.200 µ m), The porosity is roughly the same as fused alumina, with high purity, good volume stability and minimal shrinkage after reheating. The refractories or castables produced by TA have good thermal shock stability and bending strength after high temperature treatment. But the price is higher than other Alumina.

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